Friday, August 17, 2012

Farewell and Thanks For the Memories

Once in a while someone comes into your life that makes such a tremendous impact that your life is forever changed. I was lucky enough to have met that person. Captain Michael "Mouse" Burgan came into my life just 2 years and some odd months ago. While some may say that is all, for me that short time frame will have a forever impact on how I will live the rest of my life. His accomplishments are numerous so many that I will not try to list them all, but his most important were father, brother, son, and  most importantly, for me, was friend. No matter the day, no matter the hour if he was needed he was there. Mouse was only one phone call away and everyone knew it. Mouse also loved to laugh, and his laugh was infectious usually bringing the whole room to tears laughing right along with him. And yet when the time came and work needed to be done he would become Mr.
Serious, until the work was done. He had a life that gave him more then his fair share of hardship, such as becoming a single father at a young age, a role that he undertook and perfected. And because of these hardships as one would expect he developed a rough and tough exterior. But underneath he was a caring and compassionate man. This was a side however he did not let onto readily and he was very guarded as to who he showed it too.

Mouse was a full time volunteer firefighter who also held a part time job as a farmer. I don't know how many times he would sit at the station and elude to his farming duties that he was supposed to do until the pager went off. And he was fine with that. For his true joy in life was helping others in their most dire time of need. And as a result he aimed to be the best he could be in the fire service. Which is why I feel he was the logical choice for Captain in the Chief's eyes. As an officer he was meticulous in his thinking, and logistical in his actions. He never over evaluated a situation nor did he ever under evaluate either. He always knew just what to do and when to do it. As a fire department we valued his leadership and looked to him for guidance when things got rough. Mouse taught me my first lesson on scene safety as a newbie EMT, always know where the bull is hiding before running like a hero into the barn.

Mouse never did things halfway, it was all the way or don't do it all. He lived his life to the fullest and knew how to the make most out of every minute of his life. Tragically his life was cut short at 46 years young. And while I mourn the loss of such a wonderful man, I also celebrate because I know that he passed away having lived the fulfilled life that he wanted. And I am grateful that I was able to be apart of that life for the 2 years and 9 months I knew him. And my only hope is that I can take the great examples he set and incorporate them into my life. Captain Michael "Mouse" Burgan I bid you farewell for now, and I thank you for all the memories.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

New blog site

I have officially had it with this site, I am done fighting them to post my blogs. So you can now find the new creek medic blog HERE

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Grain Elevator Explodes, Business Fires, Firefighters Remember, and Give Back

Norwalk Grain Elevator Explosion

Two grain elevators in Norwalk, Oh toppled over and exploded on Tuesday. Spilling corn into the streets, firefighters were unsure if anyone was buried in the rubble. And also while they were on scene at this incident, citizens of their city went to fight for their jobs. Read that story here.

Links Courtesy of The Norwalk Reflector and The Sandusky Register

Fire Breaks Out at Old Pharmacy in Youngstown.

Firefighters were able to save the adjoining market, which shared a common wall with the building on fire.

Link Courtesy of WKBN 27 Youngstown

Four People Injured in Farmersville fire.

Fire thought to have started when an ash tray was dumped into a garbage can.

Link Courtesy of WKEF 22 Dayton

Multi-Alarm Fire at Brake Factory

Fire was above the sprinkler system in the roof, all employees were evacuated safely.

Link Courtesy of WCPO 9 Cincinnati

Three Escape Uninjured from House Fire wih No Smoke Detectors

Trying to represent the local departments here is an amazing story of a late night fire that could have easily been a triple fatal.

Link Courtesy of The Times Reporter
Picture from Uhrichsville Fire Facebook Page

Time of Mourning and Rememberance of Fallen Brothers In Massillon

The Massillon Fire Department had a memorial service on the 30 year anniversary of the La Cuisina fire that killed 3 of their own.

Link Courtesy of The Massillon Independent

Off Duty Firemen Give Back to the Community

Firemen in Akron were giving up their precious off duty time to deliver Christmas trees to those less fortunate.

Link Courtesy of The Akron Beacon Journal

The time of year has come when the white stuff has begun to fly, just a reminder to all the first responders, slow down and take your time when the road conditions warrant. Remember you are no good to anyone else if you too become part of the problem. I have also made commenting public, so please feel free to comment on this post or any of the past ones. I would love to hear from you out there.

                                                  -Creek Medic

Contact Creek Medic

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Proposed budget cut has Union fighting

A proposed budget cut that would eliminate firefighter jobs, has the Union of the first full time department speaking out.

Link Courtesy of WCPO 9 Cincinnati

Arson suspected in Apartment fire

Cincinnati firefighters fought an early morning arson fire.

Link Courtesy of WPCO 9 Cincinnati

Multi crew fire in Dayton

Fire broke out in a Dayton duplex. Seven engine crews were needed to bring fire under control.

Link Courtesy of WHIO TV Dayton
Picture Courtesy of Dayton Daily News

Council looks to eliminate fire departmentCouncil looks to eliminate fire department

The Ottawa Hills council is looking to eliminate their fire department, and  looking into contracting with the city of Toledo for fire coverage.

Link Courtesy of WTOL 11 Toldeo


Link Courtesy of WKBN 27 Youngstown 

Fire Chief and Union President at odds over transport.Massillon fire chief and Union president are at odds over they are able to staff a second transport ambulance.
  Link Courtesy of Massillon Independent

Dayton Fire has announced that they will be hiring.

Link Courtesy of WDTN 2 Dayton

Also if you have heard of anything happening in the State of Ohio fire or EMS oriented send me a message and I will try to put it up here.

                                                                         -Creek Medic

Monday, November 29, 2010

Car Fire Arson, Dispatch Screw Up, and a comedy legend passes.

Auto Repair Shop Fire in Sheffiled Village, Ohio

One firefighter injured, and a civilian transported for an unrelated medical emergency.

Link Courtesy of WEWS Cleveland


I love Carl Monday, he is the investigative reporter from 19 Action News in Cleveland, and this story he ran is great reporting, I do feel horrible for the family. This is a grave mistake on the dispatchers part, and unfortunatley it happens everyday. Hopefully this city can sit back and rethink their dispatch protocols, and rectify the situation.

Link Courtesy of 19 Action News Cleveland

Man and Woman Hurt in House Fire

A man and woman were both sent to the hospital after a house fire. Police were at the same apartment earlier in the evening for an altercation.

Link Courtesy of 10 TV Columbus

Car Arson In Dayton

A one night arson spree in Dayton has left residents of an apartment complex without transportation.

Link Courtesy of WDTN 2 Dayton

Sad day for all of those Amish food fans.

It is being reported that the Der Dutchman restaraunt in Waynesville, Oh will not be reopened following a fire that caused $1.5 million in damages.

And finally people all over the world are saying good bye to a comedy legend. Leslie Nielsen 84, passed away yesterday. His credits include Airplane!, The Naked Gun movies, and the Scary Movie films, among many others. He has also brought many great one liners including:
"Stop calling me Shirley."
"This is Frank Drebin, Police Squad. Throw down your guns, and come on out with your hands up. Or come on out, then throw down your guns, whichever way you wanna do it. Just remember the two key elements here: one, guns to be thrown down; two, come on out!"
"The truth hurts doesn't it, Hapsburg? Oh, sure maybe not as much as jumping on a bike with the seat missing, but it hurts!"

Mr. Nielsen you will surely be missed.

                                          -Creek Medic

New Direction

So after re-evaluating this blog I have decided to head in a new direction, while I am still going to throw in some commentary I am also going to try and up-date everyday with news going on in the great state of Ohio. Mainly Fire and EMS related, but I might throw in a feel good story here and there. I hope you enjoy.

Friday, November 19, 2010


So its that time of year, the beginning of the holiday season. Thanksgiving is less then a week away. It is the official kick off to the holiday season. My favorite time of the year. Followed closely by football season, but I digress. Thanksgiving is a time for all of us to come together with family and loved ones, and enjoy a feast of epic proportions. As is tradition you are supposed to reflect on those things you are thankful for so let me give you my list:

1. God- Without the big guy I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am today. And it is by his love and grace that  I am able to enjoy this holiday with my loved ones.
2. Wife- I am so thankful for her, she puts up with alot. And with the honeymoon phase of our marriage almost done I love her even more everyday.
3. My Kids- These two little guys are able to make me smile no matter what mood I am in. And it is so amazing to watch them everyday as they grow.
4. Family- Whether they be living or not I am so glad that they all had a hand in raising me the way they did, because if it wasn't for them I would not be the man I am today.
5. Friends- While I may not keep in touch as much as I should with some, I have the best group of friends. And its amazing how the list just keeps going. It feels wonderful to have a support group if I need one.
6. Job- I will admit there are days in which I am not too keen on the whole idea of working. I am so thankful I have a job. And unfortunately there are those people out there who can not say this. And I feel bad for all of them.
7. Home- I am so glad that I am able to have a roof over my head, that keeps me warm in the winter and cool in the summer. And a place to lay my head at night.

That is just an abbreviated list there are lots of other things I am thankful for. And as we enter into this holiday season lets remember those people that are not able to enjoy them like they should. I think that everyone should help out this holiday season to make those persons holidays more enjoyable, whether it be by putting money in the red kettles outside all of the stores or helping out at a soup kitchen I think we all can afford to help in one way or another. What are you thankful for let me know  I want to hear it. Have A Happy Thanksgiving!!!!