Friday, November 19, 2010


So its that time of year, the beginning of the holiday season. Thanksgiving is less then a week away. It is the official kick off to the holiday season. My favorite time of the year. Followed closely by football season, but I digress. Thanksgiving is a time for all of us to come together with family and loved ones, and enjoy a feast of epic proportions. As is tradition you are supposed to reflect on those things you are thankful for so let me give you my list:

1. God- Without the big guy I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am today. And it is by his love and grace that  I am able to enjoy this holiday with my loved ones.
2. Wife- I am so thankful for her, she puts up with alot. And with the honeymoon phase of our marriage almost done I love her even more everyday.
3. My Kids- These two little guys are able to make me smile no matter what mood I am in. And it is so amazing to watch them everyday as they grow.
4. Family- Whether they be living or not I am so glad that they all had a hand in raising me the way they did, because if it wasn't for them I would not be the man I am today.
5. Friends- While I may not keep in touch as much as I should with some, I have the best group of friends. And its amazing how the list just keeps going. It feels wonderful to have a support group if I need one.
6. Job- I will admit there are days in which I am not too keen on the whole idea of working. I am so thankful I have a job. And unfortunately there are those people out there who can not say this. And I feel bad for all of them.
7. Home- I am so glad that I am able to have a roof over my head, that keeps me warm in the winter and cool in the summer. And a place to lay my head at night.

That is just an abbreviated list there are lots of other things I am thankful for. And as we enter into this holiday season lets remember those people that are not able to enjoy them like they should. I think that everyone should help out this holiday season to make those persons holidays more enjoyable, whether it be by putting money in the red kettles outside all of the stores or helping out at a soup kitchen I think we all can afford to help in one way or another. What are you thankful for let me know  I want to hear it. Have A Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

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